Downtown Vancouver, with the Canadian Rocky Mountains in the distance. Photo by Lee Robinson on Unsplash.
Prior to and during AOS 2013, Working Groups reviewed and discussed community input that was received in the form of white papers and short statements and prepared recommendations. Some of the synthesis documents that were prepared by members of the Working Groups can be downloaded below:
Author(s) | Title | Download |
Anderson, P., Andreas, E., Brooks, I., Persson, O., Renfrew, I. and Storvold, R. | The Need to Develop Semi-disposable Surface Flux Stations for Polar Sea-ice Studies | |
Brigham, L. W. | The SAON Initiative: Critical Linkages to Arctic Marine Safety and Environmental Protection | |
Callaghan, T., Gill, M., Hik, D., Murray, M. Schlosser, P. Shaver, G., and Svoboda, M. | Arctic Biodiversity Coalition | |
Friesen, T. M., Murray, M., Blankholm, H. P., Grønnow, B., and Kleinschmidt Knudsen, P. | Observing Needs for Arctic Heritage and Paleoecological Resource Conservation Management | |
Joseph, H. and Beaulieu, J.-M. | A Path Forward for SAON Canada | |
LaRue, M. A., Morin, P. and Pundsack, J. | Integrating high-resolution satellite imagery into the Arctic Observing Network through the Polar Geospatial Center | |
Morrison, J., Bonin, J., Chambers, D., Peralta-Ferriz, C., Johannessen, J., Joughin, I., Kwok, R., Landerer, F., Moritz, D., Rigor, I., Nilsen, F., Pavlov, V., Schweiger, A., Skogseth, R., Smith, B., Steele, M. and Wahr, J. | Vision for an Arctic Mass Change Program | |
Murray, M. S., Loring, P. A., Ferren, H. and Fedderer, R. | Citizen Science and Arctic Observing: Using the Internet and Simple Technologies to Improve Understanding of Arctic Ecosystem Change | |
NGMP Secretariat | Nunavut General Monitoring Plan | |
Petrov, A. N., Southcott, C., Simpson, B., and Cavin, P. | Developing Inuvialuit Baseline Indicators System for (Self)Monitoring Community Well-Being and Impacts of Resource Development | |
Proshutinsky, A., Toole, J., Krishfield, R., Plueddemann, A., Pickart, R., Ashijan, C., Timmermans, M.-L., Perovick, D., Richer-Menge, J., Stanton, T., Matrai, P., Lee, C., Morison, J., Steele, M. and Rigor, I. | Toward Improved Observing of the Rapidly Changing Arctic Ocean | |
Tweedie, C. and Callaghan, T. V. | Rediscovering and resampling historic research sites and information to extend the time series of environmental observations in the Arctic | |
Tweedie, C., Dunton, K. and McClelland, J. | The Need for Flagship Arctic Coastal Observatories | |
Alessa, L., Kliskey, A., Myers, M., Veazey, P., Gray, S., Puniwai, N., Shanahan, E., Jencso, K., Galindo, E., Gosz, J., Anderson, J. and Smith, A. | Community Based Observing Networks (CBONs) for Arctic Adaptation and Security | |
Atakan, K.A., Bjerrum, L.W., Bungum, H., Dehls, J., Kaynia, A.M., Keers, H., Kierulf, H.P., Kværna, T., Maupin, V., Langeland, T., Lindholm, C., Ottemöller, L., Sørensen, M., and Yuen, M.Y. | European Plate Observing Sysytem and the Arctic | PDF (Arctic Special Issue) |
Barber, D.A., Polykov, I., Fortier, L., Zhao, J., Rysgaard, S., and Gascard, J-C. | The International Arctic Ocean Drift Study – Arctic ODS | |
Berkman, P.A. | Institutional Dimensions of Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks (SAON) | PDF (original submission), PDF (Arctic Special Issue) |
CARMA Network (CircumArctic Rangifer Monitoring and Assessment Network) | CARMA's Knowledge to Action Plan | PDF (original submmision), PDF (Arctic Special Issue) |
Carter, P.D. | An ‘Apollo-Manhattan’ Arctic Surveillance Mission | |
Eicken, H., Lee, O., Kling, G, Lee, C., Wiggins, H., and the SEARCH Science Steering Committee | Dual-purpose Arctic observing networks: Lessons from SEARCH on frameworks for prioritization and coordination | PDF (original submission), PDF (Arctic Special Issue) |
Ellis-Evans, C., Holmén, K., Huber, R., Vitale, V., and Børre Ørbæk, J. | The Svalbard Integrated Earth Observing System (SIOS): A Regional Initiative to Build Observing Capacity for an Arctic Observing System | |
Eyre, J., Andersson, E., Charpentier, E., Dibbern, J., Lafeuille, J., Ondras, M., and Riishojhaard, L.P. | WMO CBS Activities Relevant to Observations in the Arctic. | |
Fairall, C., Cummings, J., Jung, T., Gordon, N., Bauer, P., Bromwich, D., Smith, G., Doblas-Reyes, F., Hines, K., Holland, M., Iversen, T., Klebe, S., Lemke, P., Mills, B., Nurmi, P., Renfrew, I., Svensson, G., and Tolstykh, M. | Observational Aspects of the WWRP Polar Prediction Project | PDF (revised) |
Fischer, A. | An Arctic Ocean Observing System as a part of a Global Framework for Ocean Observing | |
Forest, A., Lalande, C., Hwang, J., Sampei, M., and Berge, J. | Bio-mooring Arrays and Long-term Sediment Traps: Key Tools to Detect Change in the Biogeochemical and Ecological Functioning of Arctic Marine Ecosystems | PDF (revised) |
Goedkoop, W., Culp, J.M., Lento, J., Christoffersen, K.S., Frenzel, S.,Gu›bergsson, G., Liljaniemi, P., Sandøy, S., and Svoboda, M. | Biodiversity of Arctic Freshwaters: Developing the CAFF – CBMP Integrated Monitoring Plan | |
Henry, G., Hollister, R., Jónsdóttir, I.S., Klanderlud, K., Molau, U., Oberbauer, S., Webber, P., and Wookey. P. | The International Tundra Experiment: An Arctic Monitoring Network | PDF (revised) |
Hoffman, F. M., Kumar, J., Wullschleger, S. D., Hinzman, L. D., and Schuur, E. A. G. | A Model-Inspired Sampling Network Design and Representativeness Methodology for the Arctic | |
Jakobsson, M., Mayer, L., and Monahan, D. | Arctic Ocean Bathymetry: A Required Geospatial Framework | PDF (Arctic Special Issue) |
Johnson, N., Alessa, L., Behe, C., Danielsen, F., Gearheard, S., Gofman-Wallingford, V., Kliskey, A., Krümmel, E. M., Lynch, A., Mustonen, T., Pulsifer, P., and Svoboda, M. | The Contributions of Community-Based Monitoring and Traditional Knowledge to Arctic Observing Networks: Reflections on the State of the Field | PDF (Arctic Special Issue) |
Juniper, S. K., McLean, S., Pirenne, B., and Moran, K. | Community-based Mini-observatories for Arctic Ocean Science and Outreach | |
Kaminski, T., and Kauker, F. | A Prototype of a Modelling System Assisting the Design of the Arctic Observing Network | |
Keskitalo, C., Müller, D., Bergh, K., Kinell, G., Söderqvist, T., and Sörlin. S. | Stakeholder Integration: A Response to a Suggested Focus on Arctic Residents and Monitoring. | |
Key, J., Goodison, B., Schöner, W., Ondras, M., and Godøy, O. | A Global Cryosphere Watch | PDF (Arctic Special Issue) |
Kim, B-K., Kim, J-H., Hwang, P., Ha, H.K., Yang, E-J., Kang, S-H., Park, S-J., Kim, S-J., Lee, S-H., Kim,T-W., Kim,S-W., Shin, H-C-., and Lee, H-J. | Comprehensive Observational Study in the Seasonal Ice Zone: Role of Air-sea Interaction for Arctic Amplification. | |
Kim. Y. | Latitudinal Distributions of Soil CO2 Efflux and Temperature along the Dalton Highway, Alaska | |
Knopp, J., Pokiak, F., Gillman, V., Porta, L., and Amos, V. | Inuvialuit Settlement Region Community-Based Monitoring Program (ISR-CBMP): Community-Driven Monitoring of Locally Important Natural Resources. | |
Kutz, S., Checkley, S., Simard, M., Soos, C., Black, S. and Duignan, P. | The Need for a Sustainable Arctic Wildlife Health Observation Network. | |
Larsen, J. R. | Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks (SAON) | |
Lee, C., Eicken, H. and Jakobsson, M. | The Arctic Observing Summit 2013 | PDF (Arctic Special Issue) |
Manley, W. F., Gaylord, A. G., Kassin, A., Cody, R., Copenhaver, W. A., Dover, M., Escarzaga, S. M., Font, R., Garcia, A. E., Haberman, T., Lin, D. H., Score, R., Villarreal, S., and Tweedie, C. E. | The U.S. Arctic Observing Viewer: A Web-Mapping Application for Enhancing Environmental Observation of the Changing Arctic | PDF (Arctic Special Issue) |
Masutani, M., Garand, L., Lahoz, W., Andersson, E., Rochon, Y., Riishøjgaard, L. P., Tsyrulnikov, M., McConnell, J., Cucurull, L., Xie, Y., Ishii, S., Grumbine, R., Brunet, G., Woollen, J. S., and Sato, Y. | Observing System Simulation Experiments: Justifying new Arctic Observation Capabilities | |
McCammon, M. | Developing and Arctic Observing System for Alaska: A Conceptual Design | |
McClelland, J. W., Tank, S. E., Spencer, R. G. M., and Shiklomanov, A. I. | Coordination and sustainability of river observing activities in the Arctic. | PDF (Arctic Special Issue) |
McLennan, D. A. | Potential Role for CHARS in Leading Development of the Canadian Arctic Monitoring and Prediction Network (CAMPNet) | |
Mikhalevsky, P. M., Sagen, H., Worcester, P. F., Baggeroer, A. B., Orcutt, J., Moore, S. E., Lee, C. M., Vigness-Raposa, K. J., Freitag, L., Arrott, M., Atakan, K., Beszczynska-Möller, A., Duda, T. F., Dushaw, B. D., Gascard, J.-C., Gavrilov, A. N., Keers, H., Morozov, A. K., Munk, W. H., Rixen, M., Sandven, S., Skarsoulis, E., Stafford, K. M., Vernon, F., and Yuen, M. Y. | Multipurpose Acoustic Networks in the Integrated Arctic Ocean Observing System. | PDF (Arctic Special Issue) |
Milner, A., Jacobsen, D., and Hannah, D. | GLACier-fed rivers, HYDRoECOlogy and climate change; NETwork of monitoring sites (GLAC-HYDRECO-NET) | |
Moore, J. A., McCammon, M., and Bochenek, R. | Data Management Perspective for an International Arctic Observing Network: Preserving the Legacy—Promoting Exchange | |
Orcutt, J. A. Vernon, F. L., Arrott, M. | A Cabled Arctic Observatory: A practical, long-term approach to open data in the Arctic | |
Persson, O., Shupe, M., Dethloff, K., Tjernström, M. | Understanding Coupled Climate and Weather Processes over the Arctic Ocean: The Needs and Plans for Multi-Disciplinary Coordinated Observations on a Drifting Observatory | |
Proshutinsky, A., Krishfield, R., Toole, J., Timmermans, M.-L., Williams, W., Carmack, E., McLaughlin, F., Shimada, K. | Status of the Beaufort Gyre Observing System (BGOS, 2003-2013): goals, objectives, capabilities, challenges and sustainability | |
Pulsifer, P. L., Yarmey, L., Godøy, Ø., Friddell, J., Vincent, W. F., DeBruin, T., Parsons, M. A. | Data Management for Arctic Observing | |
Russell, D. E., Gunn, A., and White, R. G. | CircumArctic Collaboration to Monitor Caribou and Wild Reindeer | PDF (Arctic Special Issue) |
Sambrotto, R., Richter-Menge, J., Boyd, T. | Ocean and Ice Observations from Submarines in the Arctic | |
Sandven, D., Pedersen, L. T., Kern, S., Heygster, G., Rinne, E., Mäkynen, M., Giles, K., Wadhams, P., Kaleschke, L., Lavergne, T., Tonboe, R. , Saldo, R., Skourup, H., Ivanova, N., Notz , D., and Ardhuin, F. | Sea ice observing systems for Arctic science climate monitoring | |
Scambos, T., Behar, A., Ross, R., and Stroeve, J. | New Pathfinder Technology for Ice – Ocean System Monitoring | |
Starkweather, S., Walden, V., Uttal, T., Drummond, J., Key, J., Kay, J., Vihma, T., Skov, H., Burkhart, J. | Advancing Arctic Atmospheric Science through Developing Collaborative Targets for International Observatories | |
Stow, J., Shearer, R., Hung, H., Steffen, S., Harner, T., Braune, B., Curren, M. | Transboundary pollution in a changing Arctic | |
Tannerfeldt, M., Biebow, N., Lochte, K., and Dahlbäck, B. | Arctic Research Icebreaker Cooperation towards ARICE and beyond: A strategy for meeting the needs for marine research in the Arctic | |
Toole, J., Krishfield, R., Proshutinsky, A., Laney, S., and Timmermans, M.-L. | Observing the Evolving Central Arctic Ocean with Ice-Tethered Profilers (2004-2013): goals, objectives, capabilities, challenges and sustainability | |
Wensing, E. J. | Observing Adaptation Strategies of Arctic Communities to Climate Change: A View from Applied Psychology | |
Young, K., Chatwood, S., and Bjerregaard, P. | Observing the Changing Health of Circumpolar Peoples | PDF (Arctic Special Issue) |